We use an innovative technology to produce tissue grafts for wound applications

The Clearify process is a breakthrough method of removing blood remnants from the placental membrane through minimal manipulation while preserving the key components naturally found in the tissue. The tissue layers are never separated during processing, and the intermediate layer, the spongy layer between the amnion and chorion, is preserved. The tissue is then preserved through a lyophilization (freeze-dry) process.
The result is a graft in a dehydrated state that may be stored at ambient temperature for up to 5 years. In preserving all three layers of the barrier, the Clearify process also increases dry weight and protein content, providing a full thickness graft with excellent handling characteristics.

In the USA recent shifts in market dynamics have attracted many new entrants to the amniotic tissue market. This market growth has divided amniotic membrane companies into two different market segments: dual-layer premium products (amnion & chorion), and single-layer commodities (amnion or chorion only). The dual-layer structure and high protein content of the premium products has propelled them to the top of the market. As one of its first products, StimLabs has advanced this technology and created the first placental membrane allograft that retains all three layers of the natural barrier membrane. To accomplish this goal, StimLabs developed the Clearify process that allows the tissues to be cleaned, dehydrated, and terminally sterilized1 while maintaining all three layers of the natural barrier membrane. The final product has high protein content, excellent handling characteristics, and a 5 year shelf life1 at ambient temperatures.
Surgical BioFix has licensed the Clearify process so that we can produce this full thickness amniotic membrane product, Revita, in Australia.